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The finale finally granted fans their wish with the two making it official, right before the cruel twist of Villanelle being unceremoniously gunned down during their escape attempt. It teased viewers with their will they, won't they nature that had everyone hoping they'd eventually get together. Now, Jennings himself has spoken out about his distaste for the ending in a new column for The Guardian.įor four seasons now, the show has followed the part manhunt, part romantic relationship between Sandra Oh's Eve and Jodie Comer's international assassin Villanelle. It's the lowest rated episode of the series by far on IMDB, at a dreadful 2.8, and prompted a resounding 'what' from audiences as it trudged up the dreaded 'bury your gays' trope for all to see. Compared to the rest of the series though, the finale, which aired on April 10, left many fans and critics alike with a bitter taste in their mouths. Since premiering in 2018, Kiling Evehas been a fairly beloved adaptation of Luke Jennings' trilogy of novels.

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